Friday, December 5

December Again

It is December yet again
It seems like just the other day it was December
and I was trying to figure out what to get everyone
It is amazing how fast time flies
I realized the other day
that in just three and a half more years
I'll be graduating
and that seems sort of long
but seeing how fast this year passed
it really isn't...

With December comes Christmas
but I really don't want much this year
for the first time ever
I really want an English Horn
but I know that is just a fantasy
other than that, I just want gift cards to any bookstore
except that one that used to be the old Mexican restaurant.
So if you were wondering
that's all


Sunday, November 23

the number 7

This was recommended to me by
my brother
"The Chelak"

7 things that do
• rain
• Mom scratching my arm in church
• Me and My Katamari
• watching Pim spaz
• stars
• Miyazaki
• Japanese architecture

7 things that don't
• sweaty-hot
• headaches
• Harry Potter for NGC
• cat litter
• pollution
• High School Musical
• sky scrapers

7 things to do
• hang glide
• dogsled
• write a novel
• learn 3 other languages
• do Aerial Silks in the circus
• participate in Ninja Warrior
• visit waterfall in Svartifoss, Iceland

7 ways to look at soap
• smell
• use
• taste
• feel
• listen
• look
• throw

7 animals that won't
• Pandas-1600
• Kemp's Ridley Turtle-1,000 nesting females
• North Atlantic Right Whale-300-350
• Tigers(altogther)-4000
• Northern white Rhinos-4
• Sumatran Elephant-2440-3350
• Amur Leopards-less than 40

7 .coms

7 ways of transportation
• bike
• hitchhike
• walk
• electric moped
• horse
• fly
• rainbow

I do suggest...
but much harder than I thought
night night

Thursday, November 20

Thank You Joints

I'll start by saying
"sorry it took so long to update"
even though I doubt anyone actually cares anymore
or even checks if I updated.
It really had been a long time...

life has been pretty dull
marching band ended a long time ago
and we did make it to state
which made me happy
where we placed seventh
which is good so it also made me happy
but I'm sort of glad it's over.
It took up so much time.

I have been reading more lately
and have finished some books
that I did
in fact
add to my Read It!!! list
so check it out.

The family's doing good
I'm passing with all A's in all of my classes
the pets are all still living
even the last gerbil
who just doesn't seem to want to die
even though Taylor only feeds it probably every other week
and even more so
THE fish
(not the gerbil)
who I don't even think has a name
and is older than Fish.
I really think I'd be more sad if the fish died
rather than Fish.

I think Harrison is finally planning to do SOMETHING
I'm not quite sure what
but hopefully he will be happy in what he does.

Other than anything I may have mentioned worth salvaging in your brain
I haven't really done anything else.
So to whomever reads this
and make sure to thank your joints today
because they go through so much crap that you do to them
and they hardly ever protest
and they never get thanked.
Think of how hard life would be without your joints
pretty difficult getting up those stairs
so thank you joints
for everthing that you do
even without notice or thanks

Saturday, September 6

Destroying Atoms

I'm pretty excited
the video game
comes out tomorrow.
Supposedly it is the most anticipated game ever
but I don't know
how do you determine that?
But I can't wait.
I hope it's as good as it looks.

if you haven't heard
the world might end
(according to my mom)
on the ninth or something like that.
are going to try to destroy an atom
and create a black hole.
This doesn't seem very intellegent to me
but I guess they know what they're doing.
Let's just hope they do.

I just watched a documentary
that was pretty interesting.
It was about what kinds of creatures are going to live on earth
in the future.
There were a lot of crazy things
and I think that scientists are insane
because half the creatures they came up with
were exactly like what you would expect Pokemon to be like.
I was literally laughing half the time at how ridiculous the creatures were.

Before that,
I watched a documentary about the ice hotel.
I had mentioned to my friend that I wanted to go there earlier today
and she called during dinner and told me that it was on
so I watched it.
I still want to go there
and my mom suggested working there some day.
She was just joking
but I really think that would be pretty cool.
There are lots of places I want to go someday
or things I want to do.
I made a list of these things
so that I wouldn't forget.
You should do that.

I have to go to bed
I spent the night at my friends
and we watched batman
the original movie
and it was pretty awesome.
"What's six ounces
sits in a tree
and is extremely dangerous?
A sparrow with a machine gun"
It said stuff like that the whole time
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb"
I could quote silly quotes all day :)
It should definitely be in the 1001 Movies to See Before You Die book
because it was wonderful.
That and Godzilla vs King Ghadorah
watch that one too.
But as I was saying,
I spent the night at her house
so I'm tired
because you never sleep much at sleep overs
so goodnight!

"Holy heartfailure, Batman!" -Robin

Wednesday, August 27


Being stuck sitting in a school
for about two hours
is torture.
As you may have heard
a tornado hit Clemson
so Easley High school went into a tornado drill
in which we then proceeded to sit in the hallways.
I guess it was an adventure
but facing a wall of lockers isn't the most fun thing to do
for long periods of time.

I think the tornado was from the winds of Fay
but I could be wrong.
I like the name Fay
and I really like rain.
I just wish it would keep raining here
instead of a twenty minute downpour
after a one hour break.
If only it would rain when I was actually at home.
I've been dying to use my new umbrella.
It is clear
so I am assuming it will be very awesome when it pours.
Hope so at lease...

I started reading The Little Prince again
and I realized that it had been a long time since I read it last
and I forgot a lot of what happened.
Also, I realized that it is probably my favorite
or close to it
It is absolutly wonderful.
If you haven't read it...
go back and review my recommended book list
and see if you missed something the last time you read it.

Wednesday, August 20

High School

I don't really have much to say
except I started school yesterday
and it wasn't much different than middle school.
I have a friend in all of my classes so far
so that's good
but nothing very interesting happened
so that's all I have.

Saturday, August 9

Maneki Nekos...

are those small porcelain or clay cats
that have one paw raised in the air
that are sometimes called lucky cats.
Maneki Neko is the actual name
and when translated
from Japanese
means "beckoning cat"
because the paw out
waving of fingers
is a beconing gesture
in Japan.
I've decided that it would be cool to have one of these
but I want Harrison to give it to me
because he was the first person I told
that I wanted one.
if you will
please get me one
one day
that has the paw facing outward
and is either calico
or black.
Each color stands for something different
black-good health.
Most Maneki Neko wear a collar, bib, or bell
I don't care which it wears
or if it has one at all.
So that is what I prefer Harrison
and hopefully you will give me one someday
before I forget about it...

If you would like to know more about Maneki Nekos
go to

Sunday, August 3

Bye bye gerbils

and boo...
A few days ago
Taylor noticed blood
on the gerbil cage wall
and we only had one gerbil
in that cage
it was obvious
that Pim
my cat
attacked him.
today when I woke up
my mom noticed that the gerbil
sadly enough
was dead.
I know I shouldn't be happy
but I am.
We've had our gerbils way too long
and now we are down to three more
Fish, And, and Chips
two girls
and a boy
so hopefully they won't live much longer
so that our room won't smell as bad
and we don't have to spend money on food
and bedding
and we can redesign my bedroom!

Saturday, August 2

I've been away
for a while
at marching band camp.
I think it's going well so far
but we don't have enough enthusiasm
and everyone seems to be lazy.
It started thursday
so we've gone twice
and we already know 8 sets of our show.
Last year we knew 7 at this time
so we seem to be going at a reasonable pace
which is good.
What isn't good
is my legs hurt
because my muscles are weak
and so now it's hard for me to walk
without it hurting.

I went to the realease party
at Poor Richards
for the fourth
and last
book of the twilight series.
My friend
or 'And miles to go before I sleep'
preordered the book
and we are going to split the cost
so I let her read it first
but I get to keep it.
In my opinion
the second and third books weren't as good
so I hope the last one is.

*stomach growls*
I haven't had my pizza bites yet...

Monday, July 28

Totino's Pizza Rolls

I really like Pizza Rolls
and if you've never tried them
you have to.
They are the best things in the world
and without them
I would never eat lunch
because that is what I eat
every day
around four o'clock
for what I call
(breakfast is around twelvish)
It's not that I would die before dinner
but I really like them
and I could eat them constantly
like I do
and never get tired of them!

So now that I got that over with...
I had a contest
with Taylor
to see who could "clay" the best dragon
I like both
but when mine came out
it was a lot darker
and the "clear" clay had turned yellow
which was ugly
and I don't know why.
That's never happened to me
in all the years I've been making creatures
out of clay.
it is truly a mystery
but my dragon is totally going to win!
Ha ha, taylor

And now a quote to all my lovely readers
written by the one and only
*clears throat*
"Why do whales flap their antlers when flying south-east during scooter season?"
(*psst* Taylor
I had to add that last part
the computer was begging me)
loves to all
: )

Sunday, July 27

Just a quote...

"He saw the nations strengthening, not in wisdom, but in vulgar passions and the will to destroy; he saw their machine power multiplying until a single-weaponed man might have matched a whole army of the Grand Monarque. And he perceived that when they had filled the land and sea with ruin, they would take to the air..."

-from the book Lost Horizon, speaking of our present and future

I like...


video games
winnie the pooh

Rotini pasta
inner ninjas
totino's pizza rolls
Cat Stevens
vitamin water
Hayao Miyazaki
road trips
Avatar: the last airbender
Rubik's cubes
the library
dream catchers (they really work!)
claying with friends

(no particular order intended)

Saturday, July 26

Not Enough Time!!!!

I was thinking
and I realized that life on earth isn't forever
and books are good
and so are cookies
but anyway
I was curious as to how many books I would be able to read
if I read one book every two weeks
for the rest of my life
until I was 80.
And so I calculated.
ONLY 1727!!!
I need more time.
I'll never read all the books I want.

In my calculations
I used the raw 52 weeks a year
even though that is just rounded.
Also, I didn't consider any vacations where I may be too busy to read
or any other occurance that may sidetrack me.
I only went to the age of 80
even though I never want to be that old.
But the one good side
I didn't give any leave to those books that are so good
that you read them in a day
or two if it's not so good
so there is hope that I'll read more than that
but then again
maybe not.
This was McKenzie
and I have to say,
life's too short.


I've finally stopped what I was doing
which is nothing by the way
and created my blog.

Today was
yet another
I never do anything
which I regret.
all I did
was watch TV
do homework
and practice my oboe.
And it's already 7:30 PM.
Maybe I'll ride my bike later...
Or maybe just read some more
...that sounds nice.