Monday, August 2

Why Do I Keep Having Dreams About People Dying

so far clint has died twice
once because i ruthlessly killed him
by shooting him in the head
and another because he was motorcyling with two other people
and they all were going really fast
and they ran into each other and tumbled and rolled
until they ran into a car
clint died there too
my dad didnt die in a dream
he was just dead
and victoria committed suicide
by jumping off her school building
and died
fun dreams
but the weird thing is
when i woke up
every time i thought that it really happened
so i was really sad
until i realized that it wasnt true
then i was just like
why did i have another of those dreams

not much has been going on
just hanging out with relatives
and taylors band camp
and melissas job interviews
thats about it
im loving that there are five nick channels
and they show avatar
i finally got a bookshelf
and i need another
it is all the way filled up
i could put books on top
but as for right now i dont want to shift everything up
because they are in alphabetical order by author
so i dont want to have to move every book
so i will keep it the way it is for now
thats all


  1. one of my friends, it turns out, is obsessed with avatar. and i just so happened to log into my blog right now. and i just so happened to read your post which just so happened to mention avatar (the last airbender not that blue face garbage). so i figured i'd let you know.

  2. .....Blehhhhhh..... Mckenzie..... *Blogger death*
