Monday, September 21


it has rained a lot lately
i like it though
and i dont want it to stop
i dont understand why rain is a negative thing
if we move
i will definitely miss the rain
oh i will miss the rain

im not much liking having to read a farewell to arms again
i didnt like it the first time much
so how am i to like it again
i think we try to dig too deep when reading stories
if you notice the deep things while reading
then great
but i dont want to have to go look for them
i read books for the story
not for the philosophical reasons
or the whatever other reasons
that arent even there
you have to try so hard to make it seem like it
that is just ruins it
you cant possibly enjoy the book
maybe its not the point to enjoy the book
but why read a book just to get deep meanings out of it
whats the point

why study the reasons for why the old dead composers did things
they just did them
we dont have to create theories off of it
my teacher today said that when we go to concerts later in life
he wants us to be able to appreciate the music more
he wants us to be able to say
oh that was a great placement of a leading tone
ooh that perfect fifth with that triad was a great sound
who does that
why would we do that
when i listen to music
i want to listen and enjoy it
not pick it apart for dumb theory stuff
but the class is an ap creadit
lets just hope i make something like a five on the exam
apparently ninety-three percent make fours and fives in mr dr john greirs class
he has an average of over four

im still not done reading lotr
believe it or not
but i really like it
so i added it anyway
read it
this second

are you reading it

so now i am going to go brush my teeth
and then hopefully i will read

actually i should read afta
but i wont


are you reading it now
i mean it

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