Wednesday, August 27


Being stuck sitting in a school
for about two hours
is torture.
As you may have heard
a tornado hit Clemson
so Easley High school went into a tornado drill
in which we then proceeded to sit in the hallways.
I guess it was an adventure
but facing a wall of lockers isn't the most fun thing to do
for long periods of time.

I think the tornado was from the winds of Fay
but I could be wrong.
I like the name Fay
and I really like rain.
I just wish it would keep raining here
instead of a twenty minute downpour
after a one hour break.
If only it would rain when I was actually at home.
I've been dying to use my new umbrella.
It is clear
so I am assuming it will be very awesome when it pours.
Hope so at lease...

I started reading The Little Prince again
and I realized that it had been a long time since I read it last
and I forgot a lot of what happened.
Also, I realized that it is probably my favorite
or close to it
It is absolutly wonderful.
If you haven't read it...
go back and review my recommended book list
and see if you missed something the last time you read it.


  1. I love the Little Prince. "I have three volcanoes. Two volcanoes are active and the other is extinct. But one never knows."

    I also like the phrase, "The winds of Fay." Very poetical.

  2. I MISS YOU TOO! Like, a lot. And tornado drills suck. I had to do one once. We were drawing outside for art class, then the sky got really black. Next thing you know, it's raining like crazy and we're looking at lockers.

    Anyway, I'm home this weekend and I wanna visit you. I'll be texting. Or I could just drop by...

  3. It really was torture. And from what I hear, it was much less fun at the middle school than the high school. They at least got to talk... I hate middle school.
